
A Healing Journey- Part One

Some people believe desire is a form of attachment, but what I know to be true is that desires can ONLY be fulfilled once we let them go. I'd like to shift towards a paradigm where we listen and understand someone's perspective and artful expression, without categorizing or filing away of certain ideas that "seem" to be like certain boxes we've built inside our minds, but being present on a level that resonates and connects with this part us, right now. I speak to the place of possibility within us all: where the stuff of mystics resides, where the prayers of shamans rhythmically hum, where priestesses and holy men are left to die, but they are living. I bring to you my story of a moment whence I staggered to arise, awake and aware for the first time to my own insanity. Have you ever wanted to remember so bad that you did anything (and I mean anything) just to feel this basic bliss of freedom from ourselves? Have you ever felt such a strong, unbreakable connection with our whole earth, heck, our whole galaxy that you could do nothing else but BE a beacon of hope and a fighter for love? It sounds paradoxical because it is, and it drove me to lose my mind as I knew it forevermore.
One Morning I awoke from a night that felt like a dream before I was sleeping, and I was under-rested. Slightly cranky but purpose at heart I set out with my sisters into a field occupied by rainbow warriors, many of whom, like me, were just beginning to realize it consciously. We all wanted peace but first we had to cultivate it within ourselves. Meeting new faces of ancient friends, and seeing my sisters leave me in their hesitance. New-found family and new-found self, we set off into the surrounding forests and toke, toke, toke did we until I am retrograde, a backwards balance of mania and destruction, and it's beautiful. New family sitting under trees, gathered like buzzing singing bees. Never tried a veggie burger this good before, thank you, oh thank you new sweet friend. I could be vegan, maybe...Mmmm. Thank you, new friend, mother-lady beautiful, for this soft, true back massage...The beginning of a healing journey that I'm still recapitulating. You are a teacher of Yoga?\Could you teach a class right now? "Free Yoga Class!" she shouts across the field. Everything here is flowing like water, like rivers...Moments later I find myself deep inside this space; we are all resonating together, all within a sacred space of silence for this infinite moment of freedom, of unity.
Laying on my back, gazing up into the sky in Shavasana, still in the movement. Energy spirals outwards from the center of my gaze, a matrix changing, we are balancing and bringing and healing the Sacred Grid with our intentional desires.
Humanity Remembering Our Power :: Peaceburgh's First Annual Peaceful Gathering of Hands and Souls. We stand in this wide growing circle in this open Field, an oval, looking into one another's eyes, seeing with Mother's Eyes. Seeing the Love reflecting back and forth as our hands grasp softly, firmly, intentfully. "I Am In Love With You All," my heart sings out. I am flowing inside, the sacred sexual sensual energy also called Kundalini, free and expanding. I Am a River.
A little girl was lost her DVD somewhere in the field, let's look for it, I tell her, and I'm sure it will be found. "I love you," we tell one another. I remember how I've always felt like a MAMA. 16 years old, a misfit prophetess of sorts. Less afraid or maybe just more courageous. Yeah, I think that's it. A Dreamer. Augie and I watch the sunset together on the stone bench, sensing the gradual change in light with a spectacular of the rectangular structure of a dying paradigm of architecture, discussing the coming and and present changes in the world and in our lives, and how all of this is an ending but really more of a beginning, knowing that everything is about to change. And I have the sense that we are deeply kin, that he truly understands my path and hurts as I know his -- one path, tonight, for now. With my brother Tyree who has always been with me since this day, guiding me and reflecting me in subtle and not so subtle ways, the three of us walk through the forest into a messy world of paradox, and a new chapter begins flowing. As I walked towards an unknown future, the words in my mind repeated, over and over and over,
. . . Remember . . . Remember . . . Remember . . .

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