Carnism is, by very definition, a taboo to discuss in balanced terms in our every day society. And why is this? Everywhere we look we see mounting evidence for the case that a plant based diet can heal you completely of illnesses long thought to be just genetic - and finding that animal products - ALL animals products, not just meat - are actually turning out not to be of much use in the prevention of disease. You don't have to die from illness!
The research shows that we can live, not just survive, but thrive on a vegan lifestyle.
Many hundreds of thousands of people are waking up to this amazing truth every single day, and it is only inevitable for the masses of people to affectively change the world. But I just want to briefly ask a question: Why is Carnism so prevailing in our world today, and why is it so elusive that most people aren't even aware of its existence?
First, we need to determine what exactly IS Carnism. What is it? lCarnism is an unconsciously chosen belief that eating meat is natural, based on the long-held practice of feeding children meat, meaning based on the fact that you were given meat to eat as a child and you assumed it was natural. Because of course. We trust our parents to feed us good, so that we are healthy and strong and happy.
We want to believe that our parents are omnipotent and that they have all the answers and that they know whats really best, because we're wired to feel that way, it allows us to grow and actually get strong and feel good. It's part of our psychological development. When we are confronted with the question of whether our parents really chose the best for us, we might feel vulnerable. But the thing we hold in mind is a question of our assumptions about nourishment.
there is also the case of another's life to consider.
Carnism is a funny - but not humorous- occurrence, simply because it's not different from all the other practices that people condemn throughout history. Slavery, sexism, racism, classism......speciesism. Have you yet opened your hearts to hearts within chests covered in fur? Their ways are wise and they have much to teach and participate in creating with us. My belief is that we are given a choice to connect to animals and love them in a way we cannot possibly fathom unless we are in right relationship to them. I have a sense of humor about a lot of things and most of them are creepy and twisted, but this is one thing I won't joke about. Because animals are real and important and significant and they have voices, too. (and trust me, it gets better <3))
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