
How to Eat a Raw Foods Breakfast

If you are one of the many who want to change their lifestyle to one that is health-promoting, and the natural diet that accompanies it, I recommend starting by eating a meal of fruit for breakfast.
If you have never eaten a meal of fruit, you probably don't know that while fruit is very high in volume, it is considerably lower in calories than almost everything else, besides vegetables. So if you are going to eat enough to be satisfied for the next 2-3 hours, you need to eat enough. For example, if you are going to eat a meal of bananas, eating one banana is going to leave you hungry in an hour. But if you can eat 3-4 to as many as you like, you will be satiated and feel good until lunchtime comes around. If you are more active, you may want to work your way up to eating around 6 to 10 bananas for a meal. Everyone is different, but just to put it in perspective: a banana is around 100 calories. If you want to eat another kind of fruit, I recommend eating at least 400 to 500 calories for breakfast, more if you like. So for another example, apples: an apple is around 100 calories as well, so you could eat maybe 4 or 5 of these or combine two of these with three bananas, since they tend to digest well together. Remember that the simpler the meal, the better you will feel.
It's okay if you also try it a different way, if you find you cannot eat enough fruit at first to satiate you: try starting your breakfast with as much fruit as you like, and then eating whatever you would normally eat afterwards. Your ability to eat a larger amount of fruit and your mindset about it are directly correlated. It's like yoga; you have to develop flexibility in your belly and in your mind to eat this way. Enjoy your fruits.
And of course, you can also eat sprouts, and whatever plant-based delights your body desires!  The guidance I am clearly giving is eat only foods that come from a healthy, green, chloryphill rich plant! Eat good energy and you will be good energy. There is a simplicity to this way of the ancient Essenes, of which the image of Jesus the peaceful dove carrying the olive branch flows.


I think.....

I would go to let to find a way to fly to dance in a cosmic romance with myself.
I like it. I like myself. I am really becoming in a real, loving relationship with me. I really am loving me, accepting me, forgiving me! I love me!
I love, in general. Sometimes you just wanna give your love in a small or large gesture, to another person, and you can...Sometimes the person will receive lovingly, gratefully, and sometimes they won't. And it doesn't matter. We can only control our own mental directions. I think it's good to feel the other person, but not to allow yourself to feel lesser because of their insecurities. Our lives are created out of our own individual preferences, and everybody has different ones. And that's good, I like it that way. Your life is yours to create. Isn't that wonderful?
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just release all of our resistance?
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just heal and feel really good right now?
Wouldn't it be nice if this were all completely possible?
Isn't it amazing....because, it is....

Life is meant to be easy. I am learning this, in my own way. I like my way. It's perfect for me, and it's fun, and it's amazingly beautiful. Your way is good too - it's just different from my way. And that's good. That's why I tell people I believe that everyone's truth is going to be different, because, if it weren't, there would be no diversity, no fun, no excitement no creation. And that kind of world is not only undesirable, it's completely impossible.
So enjoy the crazy! Basically.

I'm enjoying some avocado right now. The avos have been pretty watery lately, but I like that- less fattyness. I'm listening to some wonderful cleansing sounds from the (almost) always helpful youtube. I like it. My dad just walked into the room, breathing huffily as always. LOL! he is so funny! He gets frustrated, and has trouble truly expressing it. If you want something immediately, ask for it. If you don't, then there's nothing for you to worry about. Isn't it wonderful?
I think so.