
Doing What Makes my Soul Sing

I am the Fruity Muse. I am a writer. I am rediscovering this, and I have decided to pursue it full-flame with complete determination, intention, and allowing. I am not putting pressure on myself about this anymore, and I am not concerned with the outcome, or about accomplishing anything. I am taking it one day at a time, practicing writing and being a writer.
Since I was four I knew my purpose was to be a writer. Since I was in fourth grade my mom told me she knew I was a writer, and that it would be a hugely significant focus in my life. I've always wanted to write an amazing book, or three, or ten, or fifty, and I've always remembered, after time and time again of forgetting, trying too hard, or making excuses, that this is what makes my heart and soul sing.
So how did I remember? Well, I'll start with how I burned myself out a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago, I burned myself out. I decided that it was time to begin working on putting together my first book of poems, and I had this belief that I needed to do way more in a day than was even enjoyable. So I typed, typed, typed for two days and I got really tired from being on the computer and looking at those poems from a certain chapter in my life so much it made me hate them. But I kept going cause I knew other people didn't hate them, they were touched, they loved them, and I needed to give this to them. But I just stopped for a while on it cause it stopped being fun. But...
The other day, which was my mom's 50th birthday, my grandma, her mom, had her first ever art reception where her art was being displayed at the Shaler Library on Mt. Royal Blvd. It was a big deal and we were all really excited. So I went there after this awesome meal we made for my mom with whole plant foods and and a nice little party for her where we gave her gifts. When I got there I was happy to see my grandma and some people and I felt energized being in a library, and I also met some very amazing people and connected with old friends. I kept getting the same question, over and over: "What do you do?" or: "What do you want to do?" As in, with my life. And at first I felt annoyed or flustered at the question, like, who are you to question me so, I don't need to analyze my life for you...But the more it got asked, the quicker the answer kept coming up: Write. And soon I was having lengthy discussions about creative flow, and someone told me, "If that is what you love to do, then do it. Write." Just practice every day, it's not all frilly-nilly, it's a practice, and it won't always be like this magical wind coming out of me, or a big deal, but in paying attention to the little things, it does become a magical wind coming through me, onto the pages, and I learn to appreciate myself, and I learn to love.


How to Eat a Raw Foods Breakfast

If you are one of the many who want to change their lifestyle to one that is health-promoting, and the natural diet that accompanies it, I recommend starting by eating a meal of fruit for breakfast.
If you have never eaten a meal of fruit, you probably don't know that while fruit is very high in volume, it is considerably lower in calories than almost everything else, besides vegetables. So if you are going to eat enough to be satisfied for the next 2-3 hours, you need to eat enough. For example, if you are going to eat a meal of bananas, eating one banana is going to leave you hungry in an hour. But if you can eat 3-4 to as many as you like, you will be satiated and feel good until lunchtime comes around. If you are more active, you may want to work your way up to eating around 6 to 10 bananas for a meal. Everyone is different, but just to put it in perspective: a banana is around 100 calories. If you want to eat another kind of fruit, I recommend eating at least 400 to 500 calories for breakfast, more if you like. So for another example, apples: an apple is around 100 calories as well, so you could eat maybe 4 or 5 of these or combine two of these with three bananas, since they tend to digest well together. Remember that the simpler the meal, the better you will feel.
It's okay if you also try it a different way, if you find you cannot eat enough fruit at first to satiate you: try starting your breakfast with as much fruit as you like, and then eating whatever you would normally eat afterwards. Your ability to eat a larger amount of fruit and your mindset about it are directly correlated. It's like yoga; you have to develop flexibility in your belly and in your mind to eat this way. Enjoy your fruits.
And of course, you can also eat sprouts, and whatever plant-based delights your body desires!  The guidance I am clearly giving is eat only foods that come from a healthy, green, chloryphill rich plant! Eat good energy and you will be good energy. There is a simplicity to this way of the ancient Essenes, of which the image of Jesus the peaceful dove carrying the olive branch flows.


I think.....

I would go to let to find a way to fly to dance in a cosmic romance with myself.
I like it. I like myself. I am really becoming in a real, loving relationship with me. I really am loving me, accepting me, forgiving me! I love me!
I love, in general. Sometimes you just wanna give your love in a small or large gesture, to another person, and you can...Sometimes the person will receive lovingly, gratefully, and sometimes they won't. And it doesn't matter. We can only control our own mental directions. I think it's good to feel the other person, but not to allow yourself to feel lesser because of their insecurities. Our lives are created out of our own individual preferences, and everybody has different ones. And that's good, I like it that way. Your life is yours to create. Isn't that wonderful?
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just release all of our resistance?
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just heal and feel really good right now?
Wouldn't it be nice if this were all completely possible?
Isn't it amazing....because, it is....

Life is meant to be easy. I am learning this, in my own way. I like my way. It's perfect for me, and it's fun, and it's amazingly beautiful. Your way is good too - it's just different from my way. And that's good. That's why I tell people I believe that everyone's truth is going to be different, because, if it weren't, there would be no diversity, no fun, no excitement no creation. And that kind of world is not only undesirable, it's completely impossible.
So enjoy the crazy! Basically.

I'm enjoying some avocado right now. The avos have been pretty watery lately, but I like that- less fattyness. I'm listening to some wonderful cleansing sounds from the (almost) always helpful youtube. I like it. My dad just walked into the room, breathing huffily as always. LOL! he is so funny! He gets frustrated, and has trouble truly expressing it. If you want something immediately, ask for it. If you don't, then there's nothing for you to worry about. Isn't it wonderful?
I think so.


My Health is My Wealth, and This is Why

My health is my wealth, and this is why:
When I came to the whole foods, raw, fruit based lifestyle, I was well aware that the way we were doing things in this world, particularly when it comes to what we eat, was far removed from what will heal and help us. I noticed, and was for a short time, enticed, by how people were spending their money to buy products, supplements, healing services, and the like because something fundamental was missing in their health: a weak link, which proves case after to case to be usually associated with diet and exercise. It sounds so obvious, but so many people miss the mark and find themselves spending thousands upon thousands of dollars covering up symptoms, whether through conventional or alternative medicine, whilst continuing, for the most part, to eat fatty, salty, dehydrating, health-destroying foods and ignoring that this is, in fact, a major cause of their illness.
When I became aware of my own health needs, I began to take a more careful eye to the so-called "healthy" raw vegan diet I was eating. I was eating fruits and vegetables, of course, but it was what I was also consuming that was taxing my body so much and robbing it of its right to nourishment. I was using salt, oils (even raw, organic oil is just refined fat), eating dehydrated foods, using condiments like coconut aminos (which is very high in sodium glutamate) and harsh spices, cacao (or crackao, as I now affectionately refer to it), and whatever else that wasn't a whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic plant. I LOVE what whole, ripe plants are giving me. It seems like a lot to spend so much money on food, but if we don't put a positive direction in the money we are receiving, then what do we want the money for in the first place? Doesn't it feel empowering to know that you are intentionally controlling where the money in our world is flowing? And if you don't put in what it takes to have balanced, wonderful health, won't you just have to end up spending tons of money on treatments for your symptoms anyhow? Food for thought, just take it as it is, and listen to your own body- transition as only YOU can, and should. You are a unique individual, and you are loved so much by this everflowing center we call God. Be that you are. Bless, be blessed, and be a part of the cycle. Everything comes back to the center. Let be.


Compassion, Teach Us To Love as You Love

We need balance. Balance is perfectly all-ready for us; we need to listen to our Inner Voice...and gradually move our attention forward from the distractions, and slow down, and gently allow with a sincere sense of curiosity. What was appropriate before is not what is appropriate now. It is no longer applicable, it is faded, a shadow of truth, a dusty wisp floating away like translucent clouds.
When I turn my attention to my self as the Now state of the Whole world, I see that we have created so many things that imbalance. I see so much violence, fear, worry, and doubt. And so it is obvious to me that the only way to balance this is to create a momentum of balance, of rising, of gentleness in allowing and being, of faith, of trust, of protection, of courage.
We need to use less words and feel the words we use more. We need to do less killing and love the ones we love with more deepness. We need to think less on meaning, and be more aware of how our thoughts are feeling, in every moment, so that we can be vigilant, and impeccable - wasting nothing.
Grand Mother Father,
Help me to be kind.
Slow the stirring of my temper,
cool my mind with flowing,
juicy thoughts.
Help me to be kind to myself,
Great Spirit.
Speak through me soft words of wisdom,
touch me with tenderness,
Teach me, Compassion,
to Love like you Love.
Help me to be kind.
Teach me Peace.
Teach me on the silent wings of an eagle,
and whisper always on the dream I am creating.


Carnism, Part II: The Greath Myths of Our Time

Carnism is carried out covertly - and for very good reason. In order to understand how Carnism exists, we must first have understanding of the great myths of our time, and who is telling them.
We have many myths here. We have the myth of separation; we have the myth of lack; we have the myth of fate. We have the myth of endedness; we have the myth of coincidence; we have the myth of monarchy. We have the myth of disease. We have the myth of carnism. And we have many others, also. But all of these myths have one thing in common: they could not exist without all of the others to back them up. They are inextricably linked.
Carnism is based upon the existence of the animal agriculture industry. The industry exists because people are clever, and a few very clever people realized that they could use the exploitation of nonhuman people in order to exploit people: keeping you tired, keeping you sick, keeping you asleep, coming back for more and more drugs to keep you from dying, without ever realizing that this are very things that are killing you slowly. And this is what fuels their extravagant, ludicrous lifestyles. But, the truth is, they are dying, too. And there are less of them. And they are using ever trick in the book to keep you from wakin up. But I know that you know. And I know that are you aren't asleep anymore, or else you wouldn't be reading this. I don't need to tell you what is happening to the non-human animals - you already know. At this point we realize that this alone is not enough in some cases - the reason is because it is a deeply ingrained pattern in so many of us. And it is going to take an even stronger momentum in order to shift this around.
The thing I always notice is: most of us are already vegans, at heart. So what is going to happen when the food system crashes? Well, its easy to predict that most of us will discontinue the practice of animal use. Most of us will learn to forage for wild greens and roots and fruits, and start growing foods indoors. Most of us have compassion and will openly admit, "If I ever had to kill animals for my food, I would become a vegetarian." So this simple recognition clearly shows how we truly care for all life, and do not wish harm upon it.
This is is because those of us who do support the practice of animal exploitation are not "the bad guys." These people are also victims of a system of exploitation, as I have already touched upon. Asa vegan I have only compassion for you who eat and wear animals. As Yeshua said as he was leaving his body on the cross made of wood, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." And so, if you are not vegan, I do not condem you or hate you. I simply love you, and I urge you in this moment to wake up. I urge you to see the contradiction in what you are doing. I believe in you, and I know that you know. Now act.


Why change?

Carnism is, by very definition, a taboo to discuss in balanced terms in our every day society. And why is this? Everywhere we look we see mounting evidence for the case that a plant based diet can heal you completely of illnesses long thought to be just genetic - and finding that animal products - ALL animals products, not just meat - are actually turning out not to be of much use in the prevention of disease. You don't have to die from illness!
The research shows that we can live, not just survive, but thrive on a vegan lifestyle.
Many hundreds of thousands of people are waking up to this amazing truth every single day, and it is only inevitable for the masses of people to affectively change the world. But I just want to briefly ask a question: Why is Carnism so prevailing in our world today, and why is it so elusive that most people aren't even aware of its existence?
First, we need to determine what exactly IS Carnism. What is it? lCarnism is an unconsciously chosen belief that eating meat is natural, based on the long-held practice of feeding children meat, meaning based on the fact that you were given meat to eat as a child and you assumed it was natural. Because of course. We trust our parents to feed us good, so that we are healthy and strong and happy.
We want to believe that our parents are omnipotent and that they have all the answers and that they know whats really best, because we're wired to feel that way, it allows us to grow and actually get strong and feel good. It's part of our psychological development. When we are confronted with the question of whether our parents really chose the best for us, we might feel vulnerable. But the thing we hold in mind is a question of our assumptions about nourishment.
there is also the case of another's life to consider.
Carnism is a funny - but not humorous- occurrence, simply because it's not different from all the other practices that people condemn throughout history. Slavery, sexism, racism, classism......speciesism. Have you yet opened your hearts to hearts within chests covered in fur? Their ways are wise and they have much to teach and participate in creating with us. My belief is that we are given a choice to connect to animals and love them in a way we cannot possibly fathom unless we are in right relationship to them.  I have a sense of humor about a lot of things and most of them are creepy and twisted, but this is one thing I won't joke about. Because animals are real and important and significant and they have voices, too. (and trust me, it gets better <3))

For Love of Nature

For Love of Nature, I Listen.
Like a bird
who wants to open her wings and fly
so do I.
Miles are but numbers.
My feet are facing westward.
All I have is all I need and all is Well.
Our      kind
That which we are
and always have been
We are connected
with Nature
as it is what we are.
are simply chalk lines
erasable, easily
With Water they have never been there at all.
And We are Water.
Just as we have walked consciously out of the water,
we now walk consciously out of the land,
out of the flame,
out of the wind.
For the center is all of these,
in perfect balance,
so balanced
that it seems there is nothing here at all.


The beginning of Silence

The end of the world
is the end of a song
and the beginning of fire and something undone
but what can we not do? when nothing is to be done
when time is for spacing, and space is for timing
and flowers open when they will

The end of a song
is the end of a word and the end of a note
and the beginning of silence and something to be heard
listen and listen
wonder and wonder
understand and understand
trust and be

the way i see your eyes
in the eyes of my mind
and my body gets warm
timing is patient
and patience is key for all this that we see
is always creation
of our own (sometimes im)patience ....


The Tree is Expression

Sometimes I wonder how much of this we're all just, as it's put, "faking till we make it".
There's a lot of great terminology going around in the "New Age" movement that give us virtually infinite ways of expressing our experiences as our individual and collective process of waking up unfolds. I think sometimes, though, we can get distracted. It doesn't seem like a big thing on the surface but it actually kind of poses as an obstacle in our actual awakening - but only if we let it. The truth is, we need to let go of everything.
Yes, everything. Yes, that is what I said. But what does this mean?
Well, sure, it's up to our own perception to determine what anything means. To me, letting go means, even if there is fear, choosing to acknowledge what is presenting itself to me, what my body is asking me to go for. I think it can be hard to understand what our bodies are telling us when we treat our bodies in ways that go against our inherent nature and design. So we have to be practical in our endeavors - some people just aren't going to understand what you are saying when you use the term "ascension." I don't, often.
But you know what? That's because it's a largely religious/mystical idea borrowed from the minds of other people who have lived before us. Why not create our own ideas, and our own culture?
That's just what we're doing. And it's very, very important that these ideas have a fertile and healthy foundation in which to take root, other wise they will continue to sprout and simply whither away. I think the foundation is on a very primal, basic level:
*proper nourishment *sexual expression *appreciation *self love
All of these are basically different branches of the same tree, and that tree is the allowance of the expression of all natural instinct. We have to be vigilant. That is why we are called warriors- because it's a challenge, it's always a risk. But it's one we cannot afford to not take.


I am Schozo, Master of Firey Shadows

When you are attempting to heal the earth, it's really rather magical and quite funny what happens along the way. I observe my own violent reactions. I am swallowed by what I feel. I am flying. I am dying. I am living. I am schozo. i don't know what I want to say

when I am in this state of awareness I can see how I feel that everything is unnecessary that I do when I am not feel stillness. I wonder..and I wonder..and I realize that the only purpose to this existence is to exist.

So I continue to question, ....yes.


A big poopy thunderstorm is love

I feel like such a big poopy fart. And I don't want consoling. I just want deep appreciation and compassionately expressed understanding. Where are You? ~*I AM RIGHT HERE*~
This is what is going through me. Hehehehehehehehehehe.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I itch and long to create music of vitality and windswept wisdom; spontaneous and colorful and unapologetic. Did I just hear you say that? Yes, I'm sure you did because I chose to use these words. We are not slaves, we never have been, because we have only to master ourselves as unique individuals. Nothing can be done to console you and lull you back into sleep, I will only continue to shake you and touch you gently, with fierce fullness of love, until you arise. You have only to be what you always have been, which means what you always are. I can see that we only need to make it more simple, because understanding the simplest essence of anything (read: everything) is all that wisdom truly means.
I am crazy. I am manic. I am off the wall and out the window. I see with many eyes. I speak with many tongues. I touch with many hands. I walk with many feet. I sing with many a beat. I am untameable, I am, a force of the earth itself, the terribly fiercesome power of the thunderstorm. I am an artist. And I see...I see perfection itself...dancing elusively around my storm clapping  mind.


A Prayer

I am unlearning what I used to believe. And I am discovering all that I can be. I give you a prayer, so that you may speak the spell and let love to come you:

I am so young . . . a dreamer out to learn who I am, and what I can create. 
Oh Mother, Teach me 
all that I desire to know and learn and grow into my True Self of joy and abundance and freedom and serenity. Help me to Trust that 
In Letting Go I come into a dream of magic and possibility! I ask that you bring me
eternal inspiration to create this artful masterpiece of life!
I Thank You Forever for this beautiful abundant creation called Intent with which I get to play with and have so much fun! Thank You for the brilliance all around me all the time.
Thank You for my fellow Dreamers who I get to create incredibly, amazingly, deeply satisfying love relationships with! Thank You for giving me the courage to trust my heart and take chances in creating the experiences I have always wanted.
I pray for my Friends, my Family, my Planet, my Universe, my Dream, and our Collective Dream, that we may make the choice as a Family to recognize our interdependent interconnectness, and choose a Dream of Love. Thank You. May it be so. And So It Is. And So It Is. And So It Is. Creation!


Veganism as a Sacred Practice and Spiritual Path

Righteous. That's what I think of when I remember the motivation of my choices. Not self-righteous, but true righteousness- the kind of actions that embody justice and unwavering intent towards truth. I am a Vegan. I am a Human. I am a Lover, and I am a Warrior. My desire is to grow and live more fully in joy, aligned with my true values of compassion, peace, love, and honesty. Integrity through my actions is extremely important to me; and I can't pretend to be completely impeccable, because I am growing just like you! I love being this way. One part of my life that I know I am impeccable in is my commitment to non-violence through my eating choices. I am a part of a growing number of people who are NOT willing to compromise when it comes to the life and value of another living being.
Veganism as a sacred practice means acknowledging and feeling the experiences of my sacred non-human family, as I go through my life. By simply observing what is happening around me. And by making choices that reflect what I can see.
This is a spiritual path, meaning that it may take years for these values to integrate into other aspects of my Being. This is beautiful.
If you are not on a Vegan path or you are a Vegan and you compromise your integrity through your actions, Why is that? Are you afraid of something that is within you? Remember that we hold intentions and emotions in different places in our bodies. It very well may be that you are feeling somethings that are extremely uncomfortable and masking those emotions. I am asking you to examine the ways of thinking you have held inside for so very long. I believe in you completely. All I want for you is to question the disconnect you have been conditioned to create inside your bodymind. And together we can move towards a more peaceful planet for ALL living beings.


A Spell of Prosetry Cast Across the Winds Written on the Night of the Supermoon

Tonight is my night for magic with the moon.
Even if I am sleepy I will be awake because
the Light is in full bloom.
The super-sphere, the mother of Water
She is my lover and I am her daughter
peace is acceptance, the music of God
God is Love, the mother of joy
Joy is like waves, the home of the coy
I am a koi - I am a swimmer
in a land of mysteries - a gulf of bliss stories
patience is acceptance, and faith is our roots
Our roots are the same as our branches -
Our branches are gratitude and enjoyment
for the sake of it.
Nights are for living wild tales and trusting the fairies
we can choose excitement tonight.
Sometimes I just have to break my own laws.
We set up barriers to destroy them - not to adhere forever.
And tonight, tonight, tonight...
our barriers are destroyed by gentleness.

A bomb is cast but fizzles out in the air,
long before it can touch anything but the hands
that throw it. Love in subtle thoughtfulness
comes over us, "what are we doing?" I don't know
but I know, I can't hurt you any longer. I realize I love
you too much to treat you as if you are not apart of my Self..
and I do not know what will happen, but tonight, today,
I will lay down arms. I will surrender, and if I die,
I die, in Peace. May you be in Peace, as well, my friend.

I made a commitment long ago to be a whimsical warrior,
a loving, darkness-probing Light to shine rainbows into the
shit piles. I decided to take my responsibilities hilariously serious
real and light, and to be a mother always for the lost and lonesome,
and to always be a child,
in the serene knowning that I would and will always be wherever I am meant to be, and wherever I
am, I am meant to be here. The mother-
moon guides me home.


A Healing Journey- Part One

Some people believe desire is a form of attachment, but what I know to be true is that desires can ONLY be fulfilled once we let them go. I'd like to shift towards a paradigm where we listen and understand someone's perspective and artful expression, without categorizing or filing away of certain ideas that "seem" to be like certain boxes we've built inside our minds, but being present on a level that resonates and connects with this part us, right now. I speak to the place of possibility within us all: where the stuff of mystics resides, where the prayers of shamans rhythmically hum, where priestesses and holy men are left to die, but they are living. I bring to you my story of a moment whence I staggered to arise, awake and aware for the first time to my own insanity. Have you ever wanted to remember so bad that you did anything (and I mean anything) just to feel this basic bliss of freedom from ourselves? Have you ever felt such a strong, unbreakable connection with our whole earth, heck, our whole galaxy that you could do nothing else but BE a beacon of hope and a fighter for love? It sounds paradoxical because it is, and it drove me to lose my mind as I knew it forevermore.
One Morning I awoke from a night that felt like a dream before I was sleeping, and I was under-rested. Slightly cranky but purpose at heart I set out with my sisters into a field occupied by rainbow warriors, many of whom, like me, were just beginning to realize it consciously. We all wanted peace but first we had to cultivate it within ourselves. Meeting new faces of ancient friends, and seeing my sisters leave me in their hesitance. New-found family and new-found self, we set off into the surrounding forests and toke, toke, toke did we until I am retrograde, a backwards balance of mania and destruction, and it's beautiful. New family sitting under trees, gathered like buzzing singing bees. Never tried a veggie burger this good before, thank you, oh thank you new sweet friend. I could be vegan, maybe...Mmmm. Thank you, new friend, mother-lady beautiful, for this soft, true back massage...The beginning of a healing journey that I'm still recapitulating. You are a teacher of Yoga?\Could you teach a class right now? "Free Yoga Class!" she shouts across the field. Everything here is flowing like water, like rivers...Moments later I find myself deep inside this space; we are all resonating together, all within a sacred space of silence for this infinite moment of freedom, of unity.
Laying on my back, gazing up into the sky in Shavasana, still in the movement. Energy spirals outwards from the center of my gaze, a matrix changing, we are balancing and bringing and healing the Sacred Grid with our intentional desires.
Humanity Remembering Our Power :: Peaceburgh's First Annual Peaceful Gathering of Hands and Souls. We stand in this wide growing circle in this open Field, an oval, looking into one another's eyes, seeing with Mother's Eyes. Seeing the Love reflecting back and forth as our hands grasp softly, firmly, intentfully. "I Am In Love With You All," my heart sings out. I am flowing inside, the sacred sexual sensual energy also called Kundalini, free and expanding. I Am a River.
A little girl was lost her DVD somewhere in the field, let's look for it, I tell her, and I'm sure it will be found. "I love you," we tell one another. I remember how I've always felt like a MAMA. 16 years old, a misfit prophetess of sorts. Less afraid or maybe just more courageous. Yeah, I think that's it. A Dreamer. Augie and I watch the sunset together on the stone bench, sensing the gradual change in light with a spectacular of the rectangular structure of a dying paradigm of architecture, discussing the coming and and present changes in the world and in our lives, and how all of this is an ending but really more of a beginning, knowing that everything is about to change. And I have the sense that we are deeply kin, that he truly understands my path and hurts as I know his -- one path, tonight, for now. With my brother Tyree who has always been with me since this day, guiding me and reflecting me in subtle and not so subtle ways, the three of us walk through the forest into a messy world of paradox, and a new chapter begins flowing. As I walked towards an unknown future, the words in my mind repeated, over and over and over,
. . . Remember . . . Remember . . . Remember . . .


Beliefs Shattering Like Icicles

You know, right now, my beliefs about everything are being shattered. Like ice. Melting yes, but also shattered into millions of fragments that melt into new thoughts, ideas, and awareness. The what I thought I thought is not. It is a story made up by somebody else. And my understandings of healing and health are being radically shifted- more so than ever before. I never realized how intricate and vast all this is. I understood conceptually, yet now I am coming to an experiential wisdom that can only be described as peace. I do not know what I do not know about what I do not know, or even about what I know. It's a mystery, and it's perfect. I'm loving every moment, and when I'm not, I'm wondering why not? Let's just live in joy!


The Story of this Fruity Muse

I want to begin telling you my Story ~ yet be aware, this story does not really have a beginning and it never really ends. This story is a motion in progress, a creation in creation, a series of waves within the ocean. So here is my attempt to give you these waves, to bring these waves forth and let them fly and crash, becoming a part of your sea, too.
I grew up in a backyard forest where black raspberries grew in tasty abundance. I wandered those forest, in my dream-waking and dream-sleeping, and I became a fairy of the woods- a keeper, a secret-teller, a mischievous flirt. My wings sprouted yet remained hidden in the faces of the this-and-that, yet, for all this, I never forgot. I cried often, and felt the sharp sting of the "adults" control illusions; I knew in my heart they could not create my creation, and in my moments of dreaming I remembered all that could not be spoken.
Illusions of the nurturers have a funny way of rubbing off, though, and I spiraled into worlds I am only now remembering. As I grew older, I became sarcastic, and unappreciative oftentimes. The magic never faded, but the stories I was told began to be the stories I would tell myself, and they were lies. Twisted fables of worlds of concrete, metal and icy glass made by metal hands. It hurt so bad to listen to these myths, and my mind became a place vulnerable to religion and it's hopeful claims. Beautiful, I felt. The Light that is carried by Love, I saw. Gradually it all became so complex, so overbearing that I couldn't keep grasping at all these straws..enough desolation and desperation and absolute, profound curiosity and a will to keep going led me down a rabbit hole...And I really can't complain. ;)


My Vision For Peaceburgh 2023

I was inspired to create this after I read a wonderful vision of a like-minded Peaceburgher on the Peaceburgh website a few days ago, and so I will share with you what I see for this future of this bright and beautiful place.
I just woke up this morning from my futon/sleeping mat on the groundfloor of my amazing indoor/outdoor ecohome in beautiful, vibrant, community oriented Brighton Heights. Half the year I travel to tropical locations, and the other half I live here in this awesome space. My home is designed to bring in fresh air and use the natural light of the sun, collect rainwater, and supply power to my super cool hybrid car that uses several fuel sources, including solar, water, electric, and magnetic. I don't use it often though, since I love riding my bike, walking, jogging and running everywhere! What used to be my garbage bin (which I rarely used since most things can be composted too) is now a matter converter for organic materials, and only organic plant based materials are allowed to be used in the construction and creation of the new Peaceburgh. Everything has become a lot simpler since nearly all of the large corporations collapsed within two years of one another about seven years ago. It was inevitable, with the way they were abusing the resources. People simply chose to stop supporting them, and the cards came flying down.
After waking I stretch and listen in silence. and then blissfully take a walk through the forest. Nature paths now connect to every main road, so I am able to walk through a beautiful serene environment right as I walk out of my home. Much of the concrete is now being removed, revealing beautiful spaces where composting is occurring and gardens are growing.
I head up to one of our Tropical Spaces located in several Peaceburgh areas. We now have enough tropical fruit trees growing to feed the whole greater Allegheny Area. It's only getting bigger, too - not to mention all the community food forest that are growing temperate-climate fruits all over the place! The Tropical Spaces are really exciting to me, though, since I am a Lover of Fruit and I know that eating tropical fruit is the best thing we can do for our amazing bodies. The Spaces are like big, enclosed bubbles surrounded by forests. Like conservatories. They are incredibly intuitive, making full use of the sunlight, rainwater, wind, and snow. They use as much natural water as they can to create a humid, hot atmosphere like the tropical rain forest. This morning I am making a meal of six sweet, juicy, delicious mangoes picked right from the tree! It's amazing. I'm so grateful for this project, and everyone's contribution to creating it. I sit in the forest, enjoying my mangoes, listening to the birds sing and all the messages of mother earth.
After this lovely moment, I blissfully walk home through the forest. At home I go to my green rooftop and water my vegetable garden that also grows all year round thanks to collapsible greenhouses that most homes are now built with, which use a similar technology as the Tropical Spaces. I greet the butterflies in my butterfly garden and smile as I get excited for my day. I pack my water in lightweight hemp bottles and attach them to my bike. I am so thankful that I know I can get free, whole, fresh, ripe, raw organic fruits anywhere I may want to go now. I used to have to pack food to bring with me, but now I am at ease knowing the earth and the community will take care of my needs. I take the forest trail down to the river trail, which is now much cleaner than ever before, thanks to the collapse of the chemical industry. Our sacred rivers are now chemical free, and clean enough to drink from. I have so much fun swimming in these sacred waters and riding in the free community clean-green river boats, and kayaking. Ever since the fountain began to flow again at the Sacred Point of Power, these rivers have been sending out our collective, powerful, unified intention of love and peace and UNITY with ever-more accelerating vibrational power. I am heading down to teach and learn at an education event we organize every two weeks about how to live a vibrant, abundant, healthful existence overflowing with joy, satisfaction, and true Well-Being. Some of my favorite teachers have been here, including the amazing Dr. Doug Graham, who is still thriving like a champ into his seventies. Many, many beautiful souls have been through here and shared their perspective and wisdom. This began as the Free School community, a grassroots project of a few hundred and now is blossoming and touching the hearts and minds and lives of thousands of people. Many of our Peaceburgh town's native companies who have been here for decades have been really stepping into the Light and acknowledging the impact they have on everything around them- they are contributing in countless ways to help make this space a more vibrant, beautiful, unified, healthful place in which to co-exist.
Seeing this journey and being a part of this has been so incredibly fulfilling and remarkable. This is bigger than anything any One of us could have created by ourselves.
Collective Unified Intention Is Powerful and WE ARE CONSCIOUS MANIFESTORS.


The Purpose of this Blog And Who Is Writing It

I am the Fruity Muse. Who is the Fruity Muse? The Fruity Muse is an artist, a writer, a music-maker, a dancer, an aspiring athlete, a sister, a friend and member of the planetary family. A mother to small animals, a lover of beauty, and of course a lover of Fruit. A remember-er, a Seer, a Creator. Above and among all, a Lover. I am a piece of everything that contains the secrets of everything- a microcosm. I love to be in Love, like an endlessly drifting cloud- my Love has no favorites- I love unconditionally. I am an eternal Student. I don't know what I don't know! And it's amazing. I'm learning to trust in the inherent goodness of everything- even when things appear to be challenging. As I write this I receive some news that breaks my heart open, and I remember times when I couldn't see this way. I pray now that all that I am connected with be in Peace - the Mother of all things. 
The Purpose of this blog is simple - to express my truth as it clearly comes through me, and share my gifts of connection to my eternal Source. To spread Love. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For Being an essential Part of This. 
A beautiful message came to me as I rode my bike earlier, and something to keep in mind:
"The nature of our perceptions determines the content of our reality."